oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

ejercicios corregidos


examen condicionales 1º bachillerato

1.-Traduce las siguientes frases poniéndolas en los 3 tipos de condicional

1.- Si María suspende no irá a Londres

- If Mary fails she will not go to London

- If Mary failed she would not go to London

- If Mary had failed she will not have gone to London

2.- Aprobarás si estudias

- You will pass if you study

- You would pass if you studied

- You would have passed if you had studied

3.- No nos los enviarán si no se (a ellas) los compran

- They will not send us them if they do not buy them them

- They would not send us them if they did not buy them them
- They would not have sent us them if they had not bought them them
4.- Si hay sopa no habrá ensalada

- If there is soup there will not be salad
- If there was soup there would not be salad
- If there had been soup there would not have been salad

5.- Si fuera tú iría a dormir más temprano

- If I am you I will go to sleep earlier

- If I were you I would go to sleep earlier

- If I had been you I would have gone to sleep earlier

6.- ¿A qué país viajarás si quieres aprender Inglés?

- Which country will you travel if you want to learn English?

- Which country would you travel if you wanted to learn English?

- Which country would you have travelled if you had wanted to learn English?
2.- Rellena los huecos con el verbo entre paréntesis en el tiempo correspondiente

1.- you would have gone out if you had eaten    (eat)

2.- if nekane bought a present, she would give (give) it to her friend cristina.

3.- .- if inés had come (come) late she would not have seen us.

4.- if you do not come (not come) to class  you will not see nekane

5.-  wouldn’t it be (not be) a good thing if everybody spoke the same language?

6.- what will it matter if a language dies (die)?

7.-  if a language had died (die), ways of thinking and of understanding the world would have died too.

8.- most of the learning of the ancient world would not have disappeared (not disappear) if the fire had not destroyed all those books

9.- it would have been possible to promote languages if there had been (there be) the political and cultural will.

10.- unless jon writes (write) he will not pass

11.- if diego worked (work) hard he would pass

12.- what would you do if you were (be) i?

13.- if jake had not driven so fast, he would not have had (not have) an accident

14.- where would you go (go) if you were ill?

15.- what would have happened if you had not learnt  any foreign languages?
EXAMEN B-2 FIN 3ª EVALUACIÓN - mayo 2013

- 1) Traduce las siguientes frases en estilo directo e indirecto

1.-Alejandro le dijo a Miriam que le diera el boli
Alejandro told Miriam to give him the ball-pen
Alejandro told Miriam: “Give me the ball-pen”

2.- Haizea le dijo a Alejandra:”no hables”
Haizea told Alejandra: “don’t speak”
Haizea told Alejandra not to speak

3.- Pedro me dijo: “¿has comido?”
Pedro told me: “have you had lunch?”
Pedro asked me if I had had lunch

4.- Aitor nos preguntó si habíamos ido con él el día anterior.
Aitor asked us if we had gone with him the day before.
Aitor asked us: “ Did you go with me yesterday?”

2) Traduce las siguientes frases (too/enough) 

1.- no fue suficientemente rápida y no fue en autobús.
2.- el ejercicio no es demasiado dificil para que lo entendais.
3.- hace demasiado calor para que yo vaya.
4.- eres suficientemente inteligente para aprobar el examen
3) vuelve a escribir las siguientes frases de forma que signifiquen lo mismo cambiando el too y el enough.

1.- miriam is not slow enough = … Miriam is too fast
2.- It is too late = … It is not early enough
3.- Your car is cheap enough = ... Your car is not too expensive

4) Cambia las siguientes frases a estilo directo o indirecto según corresponda

1.- They said they had studied the day before
They said: “we studied yesterday”
2.- Joel told us (that) he did not bring us it.
Joel told us: “I do not bring you it”.
3.- I said to you: “ I will be with you”
I told you I would be with you
4.- Ainhoa asked Aitor: “ What time is it?”
Ainhoa asked Aitor what time it was.
5.- John told his mother (that) he would do his homework that night
John told his mother: "I will do my homework tonight".

5) Escribe los condicionales que faltan para que estén las 3 formas: 

“If he read the blog, he would enjoy it”
… If he reads the blog, he will enjoy it
… if he had read the blog, he would have enjoyed it

6) Traduce la siguiente frase poniéndola en los 3 tipos de condicional: si apruebas no te veré”

1.- If you pass I will not see you
2.- if you passed I would not see you
3.- if you had passed I would not have seen you

7) Vuelve a escribir las frases con such, such a/an, o so.

1.-    it was such a boring film that she went home
 the film was so boring that she went home
2.-    It was such expensive milk that everybody drank coffee
 the milk was so expensive that everybody drank coffee
3.-    Your friend is so nice that she will come with me next year
your friend is such a nice person that she will come with me next year
4.-    It was such a sunny day that we went to the beach
 the day was so sunny that we went to the beach
5.-    The beach was so empty that we went to the cinema
 it was such an empty beach that we went to the cinema

8) Traduce las siguientes frases con expresiones de contraste, causa efecto y propósito

- Aunque viniste no te vi.
Although you came I did not see you

- A pesar de estudiar Inglés no aprobé el examen
In spite of studying English I did not pass the exam

- a pesar del tiempo fuimos al monte
in spite of the weather we went to the mountain

- a pesar (del hecho) de que él es un buen estudiante no aprobó
in spite of the fact that he is a good student he did not pass

- Como no has venido no te he visto
As/since you have not come I have not seen you

- Compré el libro para leerlo en clase
I bought the book to read it in class

- Os lo envié para que lo vendierais
I sent you it in order that you sold it