oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

respuestas exam unit 6 B-1 13/14 (2)

2.- Rellena los huecos con el verbo entre paréntesis en el tiempo correspondiente
1.- you would have gone out if you HAD EATEN    (eat) it.
2.- if Nerea bought a present, she WOULD GIVE    (give) it to Oihane.
3.- .- if Idoia HAD COME    (come) late she would not have seen us.
4.- if you DO NOT COME    (not come) to class  you will not see Fernando
5.-  WOULD NOT IT BE     (not be) a good thing if everybody spoke English?
6.- what will it matter if a language DIES     (die)?
7.-  if a language HAD DIED     (die), ways of thinking would have died too.
8.- most of the learning of the ancient world WOULD NOT HAVE DISAPPEARED (not disappear) if the fire had not destroyed all those books.
9.- it would have been possible to promote languages if THERE HAD BEEN (there be) the political and cultural will.
10.- unless Jon WRITES     (write) he will not pass
11.- if Iñaki WORKED     (work) hard he would pass
12.- what would you do if you WERE     (be) I?
13.- if Jake had not driven so fast, he WOULD NOT HAVE HAD     (not have) an accident
14.- where  WOULD YOU GO     (go) if you were ill?
15.- what would have happened if you HAD NOT LEARNED     (not learn) English?