oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

respuestas exam unit 5 B-2 13/14 (2)

2.- cambia las frases de estilo indirecto a directo

1.- they said that they had had an exam the previous week
they said: “we had an exam last week”.
2.- They said they had studied the day before
They said: “we studied yesterday”
3.- Rubén  told us (that) he did not bring us it.
Rubén told us: “I do not bring you it”.
4.- they told me that my neighbour was not in my house
They told me: “your neighbour is not in your house”
5.- I told her that she was not working hard in her house
I told her: “you are not working hard in your house”