oscus teacher

Este blog quiere ser un punto de encuentro para reforzar la experiencia del aula en la materia de Inglés.

respuetas examen unit 5 B-2 13/14 (3)

3.- traduce las siguientes frases poniéndolas en estilo directo e indirecto (2 frases de cada)

1.- nos dijeron: “no os las damos”
they told us: “we do not give you them”
they told us that they did not give us them

2.- te dije que no estabais haciendo bien vuestros deberes
I told you that you were not doing well your homework
I told you: “you are not doing well your homework

3.- Tu profesor me dijo: “no estarás conmigo el año que viene”
Your teacher told me: “you will not be with me next year”
Your teacher told me that I would not be with him the following year

4.- vuestras amigas les dijeron que ellos habían ido a París el mes anterior
Your friends told them that they had gone to Paris the previous month
Your friends told them: “you went to Paris last month”

5.- mis hermanos me dijeron: “hemos comprado tu medicina”
My brothers told me: “we have bought your medicine
My brothers told me that they had bought my medicine